
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RedHat 6.1 Changes to Network Interface Bonding Configuration


BONDING_OPTS="miimon=100 mode=1"

Parameters for the bonding kernel module must be specified as a space-separated list in the BONDING_OPTS="<bonding parameters>" directive in the ifcfg-bond<N> interface file. Do not specify options for the bonding device in /etc/modprobe.d/<bonding>.conf, or in the deprecated/etc/modprobe.conf file.

For a channel bonding interface to be valid, the kernel module must be loaded. To ensure that the module is loaded when the channel bonding interface is brought up, create a new file as root named <bonding>.conf in the/etc/modprobe.d/ directory. Note that you can name this file anything you like as long as it ends with a .confextension. Insert the following line in this new file:
alias bond<N> bonding

1 comment:

  1. The use of BOOTPROTO needs to be clarified; the setting "none" is only supposed to be supported when configuring a SLAVE in bonding. Set it to "static" when you want to specify static IP config, and that means in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 (or similar) file(s).

    It has been a long standing bug that Red Hat's ifup scripts allow setting static config with BOOTPROTO=none, and I doubt they'll fix it any time soon. However, in a bonding SLAVE interface config file (such as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and so forth), one must use BOOTPROTO=none for the interface to actually be able to become a slave (at least, this has been true from RHL8.0 through RHEL5, I have yet to test this on RHEL6 or later than Fedora 11).

